
I’m the author of more than a dozen books in the philosophical theology genre. I have also written more than 400 articles and made many videos discussing all of the big problems and questions of philosophy and theology. Collectively, my books have been read over 15,000 times.

The title of this blog – ‘Perfect Chaos’ – refers to the idea that while existence is seemingly chaotic, in reality everything unfolds in perfect accordance with the will of God. That’s an idea at the heart of my philosophy, and if you explore some of my work you’ll come to understand why I believe it to be true and the many implications of this perspective for life and faith.

I’m a first-class BA (Hons) graduate of the University of Westminster and hold a postgraduate certificate in Philosophy and Religion from the University of London. Perhaps more important than my academic qualifications is my spiritual journey, which has involved immersive explorations of both Eastern and Western spiritual practices and philosophical traditions.

My spiritual journey has led to some unusual insights which I share on my blog and in my books and videos. These insights, which centre upon the divine sovereignty versus human free will predicament, have proven helpful to many people. I hope that my work will impact your life in a positive way as well.

72 responses to “About”

  1. Great stuff Steven. Thanks for stopping in and commenting on my blog. Sorry it to so long to get to your blog. I will subscribe so I can keep up with you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Many thanks for your comment, Nelson, and for following my blog. It’s good to be linked up! Best wishes, Steven


  2. I am sure I would love to discuss with you but right now I can get passed how cute you are. I shared a link to your book on my facebook page and I will certainly take some time to do some reading here soon.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You have put a big grin on my face and have made my day! Thanks so much for being so kind and for sharing the link to my book on your Facebook page, I really appreciate it. I’m sure that you and I would have a lot to talk about, comparing our experiences and our views on God and humanity… please stay in touch! Steven x


  3. I am sure that it will be my great pleasure, you remind me of three of my favorite male characters combined. Are you ready? Russel Brand, Adam Ant and Dumbledore or Merlin. LOL Take care. have a happy day. I will share the link to your book around FB.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha! You are awesome. Thank you 🙂 x


  4. Ok, ok ….Johnny Depp and Johnny Cash. 😉


  5. Steve, thanks for visiting my blog! Looking forward to revisiting your “perfect chaos!”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re most welcome. Thank you so much for visiting, and potentially revisiting! 🙂


  6. Thanks for visiting and liking my post. As a former teacher of philosophy and ethics I really enjoy your blog!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Dorinda. I enjoyed reading about your story and the life you are now living in India. Many thanks for your visit to my blog 🙂


  7. Thanks for dropping by. I’m in awe of your work. I wish I’d be in the position to write a book like you did. Cheers.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, TJ, for you kind comment! Both of my books are relatively short and easy to read and they weren’t a chore to write. I really enjoyed the process. They say everyone has a book in them so maybe yours in somewhere in the pipeline? 🙂 Best wishes, S x


  8. […] please visit my blog and check out my books. I would love to hear from you, so if you feel like leaving a comment or contacting me directly you are most welcome to do […]


  9. There it is. My trouble was that i was using the mobile sight i guess lol. Just to re-emphasize my point from Twitter, but not in a condemning way, what you’re suggesting is heretical. It stands diametrically opposed to the teachings of scriptures.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I’m glad you “Liked” my post because it brought me to yours. Thank you for honestly expressing emotional and mental health issues. Believe me, many believers struggle with anxiety and depression and other conditions but so seldom share such battles. Too often well meaning Christians will recite a verse, “Be anxious for nothing!” when true understanding and prayer is needed to refresh the suffering believer. May the Lord continue to encourage and inspire you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Lisa,

      Many thanks for visiting my blog! I was intrigued to read about your journey – it sounds as though you have served the Lord in some amazing ways during your life and career. I’m looking forward to reading more. I think my experience with mental illness has taught me a lot about God and spirituality, and actually some of my hardest times have been the most key to my spiritual development. There have been some really tough times, but I can also say God has been wonderfully gracious to me.

      Please do keep in touch and have a wonderful week.

      Peace and blessings,



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About Me

My name is Steven Nicholas Colborne.
I’m an eclecticist living in the United Kingdom. On this blog, I write about matters of faith and spirituality, interfaith dialogue, and ultimate truth and share a variety of personal articles.

All power, honour, majesty, and glory to the Creator of all things forever and ever.

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Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, soul, mind and strength, and thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

