Audiobook Editions of my Books

Greetings, friends. In my last post I promised to let you know when my eBook editions have been updated to free on Amazon. The process of the prices being updated is still ongoing.

However, I wanted to let you know that AI-narrated audiobook editions of two of my books are currently available for free on Google Play.

An Almighty Predicament: A Discourse on the Arguments For and Against Christianity

The Philosophy of a Mad Man

To listen to the audiobooks, all you need to do is download the free Google Play app.

I hope to make audiobook versions of more of my books available in the coming weeks.

About Me

My name is Steven Nicholas Colborne.
I’m an eclecticist living in the United Kingdom. On this blog, I write about matters of faith and spirituality, interfaith dialogue, and ultimate truth.

All power, honour, majesty, and glory, to the Creator of all things forever and ever.

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Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, soul, mind and strength, and thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

